funding SAcred scraps
You can help us weave our stories in the following ways:
- make a 100% tax deductible donation
- sponsorship
- partnership
How to Make a donation
Sacred Scraps is working with Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF). Donations over $2 are a 100% tax deductible.
It's pretty straight forward: to support us via the ACF visit the Sacred Scraps profile and click DONATE and enter your details.
All funds raised will contribute to writing, shooting, editing, music, travel expenses, design work and further development of the Sacred Scraps online story world.
How does the ACF work?
The ACF was established to encourage and enable people to donate to creative projects and support artists and makers. More information about how it works can be found here.
All donations are made to Creative Partnerships Australia, which then considers donor preferences when allocating grants. In the past ten years more than $11 million has been donated to the Fund and granted in full to more than 700 artists and cultural organisations – it's is a great program for projects like ours.
For more information about the Australia Cultural Fund visit Creative Partnerships Australia.
How can my contribution be acknowledged?
Your name will be listed as a Supporter on the Sacred Scraps website. We will also share our thanks via our social media channels.
If you’d prefer for your contribution to remain anonymous, you can specify that while entering your details.
BEcome a Sponsor or Partner
If you’d like to sponsor Sacred Scraps stories or partner in the development of content and our storyworld, please contact us you can call directly Mel on +61 410 498 819.
Support Sacred Scraps stories through
the Australian Cultural Fund